Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Practicing our Learning

Greetings! Today was another exciting day of learning in first grade! 

In Religion class today, we wrapped up our chapter on Jesus' teachings. We reviewed the Great Commandment and the Good Samaritan story. 

We then continued our health lessons on being drug free. Yesterday we talked about the different functions of the brain; today we talked about ways to keep our brains and bodies healthy. We talked about eating the right foods, exercising, getting enough sleep, brushing our teeth, etc. 

In Language Arts class we read our story The Farmer in the Hat. Before doing so, we reviewed long a and c/s/ and g/j/ words. The students are doing an excellent job reading long a words. 

Tis the seasons for pumpkins! With this in mind, today we talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin and created a flow chart diagram showing each step. 

During Math class today we learned the adding 1 facts. To find the answer, we count by 1's. Please continue to practice these new facts along with the double facts each night. 

For gym class today, we played an old favorite "Alligator, Alligator." The students love playing this game. 

Finally, in Social Studies, we talked about landforms including mountains, plains, rivers, and lakes. We made a shape booklet to help us remember these new words. 

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