Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reviewing and Learning

Happy Thursday! Today was a great day in first grade. I will admit that I was a little sad this morning since the Pirates lost last night. But spending the day with the children and watching them grow in learning made me happy. 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our study about Jesus' early life from his birth in Bethlehem to his childhood in Nazareth. 

During Language Arts class, we spent time reviewing inflected endings -s and -ing. We also reviewed our sight words by playing tic-tac-toe. The students loved this; I encouraged them to play it at home with someone. We worked on our fluency and comprehension by partner reading the story and illustrating events in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. In addition, we reviewed telling sentences. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers. It was a great day in Language Arts. 

In Math class today, we studied rectangles. We learned that they have four angles and four sides. We used our geoboards to make rectangles. 

Tomorrow will be a busy and exciting day! 

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