Friday, October 24, 2014


Happy Friday! And yet another week has come and gone. 

Today for Religion we went over to church to practice for our All Saints' Prayer Service. The students are getting excited for this. Just a reminder that all saint costumes are due on Monday! We also finished praying the Glorious Mysteries today. The students brought their rosaries home so that they can continue to pray the rosary with you. 

We wrapped up our health lessons today by talking about household cleaners. We again were reminded not to drink something if we don't know what it is. 

In Language Arts class we wrapped up our story The Farmer in the Hat. We reviewed our sight words, long a and c/s/ and g/j/ words. We also practiced identifying and writing proper nouns. 

During Math class today, we used linking cubes to measure. We measured the length and width of our desks. Eventually, we will be using rulers to measure objects. 

In Science class today, we talked about living and nonliving things. Working in groups, students sorted pictures as whether they were living or nonliving. 

Finally in Art class we made pumpkins, a perfect fit to wrap up our study of pumpkins. They turned out great.

Have a fantastic weekend! 

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