Monday, February 23, 2015

A Retro Day

Welcome back! I don't know about you but I was ready to get back to school today. I definitely had cabin fever. 

Today was a bit of a throw back day to learning of years gone by. The students experienced a one classroom school but with many teachers. One thing we learn in education is adaptability and that is what we did today. Despite being in the cafeteria, we had one great day of learning!

In Religion class, we talked about the Stations of the Cross. We went through each Station and talked about it. This was in preparation for tomorrow; we will be praying the Stations of the Cross tomorrow at 2:00. 

In Language Arts class, we blended and read words with comparative endings -er and -est. We learned that -er compares two things and that -est compares three or more things. After practicing reading words, we drew pictures that corresponded to big, bigger, and biggest; the students did great with their pictures. In addition to learning about comparative endings, we talked about the sequence in a story and practiced writing contractions for not. 

During Math class today we learned about congruent shapes which are shapes that are the same size and the same shape. We used our geoboards to make congruent shapes. 

As you can see, we accomplished many things today. I'm sure this will be one day they will not forget! 

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