Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Happy 100th Day of School!

Happy 100th Day of School! We had an awesome day celebrating this special milestone in first grade. We mixed it with learning and fun! 

In Religion class we talked about how our parish helps others. We learned that when we collect food or clothes or donate money that we are helping those in need. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed our sight words, r-controlled er, ir, and ur words, and contractions. We then read our story I'm a Caterpillar where we learned about the life cycle of the butterfly. We enjoyed learning all about caterpillars and butterflies today. 

For gym class today, we practiced kicking a ball with a partner. We started by kicking and stopping the ball and then kept the ball moving. We really worked on coordination. In honor of the 100th days of school we did 100 exercises to end gym class. We did 10 jumping jacks, 10 touch toes, 10 hopping on one foot, 10 sit ups, 10 push ups, 10 shoulder shrugs, 10 arm twirls, 10 jumping up and down, 10 touch toes, and 10 jumping jacks. 

In Math class today, we practiced the doubles plus 1 facts using a wrap-up. We will be practicing these facts daily with our fact practice paper starting tomorrow. 

We had a fantastic time with our 100th day of school activities. We made a self portrait of ourselves when we are 100 and wrote about what we will be doing. We worked in groups to make a design using 100 objects. Students created a design using either 100 Army men, 100 pattern blocks, 100 linking cubes, or 100 cups. Finally, students were given the digits 1-0-0 and asked to create a design with them. Creativity was flowing with this project. Below are pictures from all of our activities. Enjoy! 

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