Friday, February 6, 2015

Hard Workers!

Happy Friday! We had a fabulous day in first grade day. The students worked so hard and were so focused all day. We accomplished a lot and had fun at the same time. 

In Language Arts, we wrapped up the story Frog and Toad. We reviewed inflected endings and w-controlled -or and -ar words. We practiced reading our sight words. We also partner read the story and wrote sentences telling what happened in the beginning. middle, and end of the story. In addition, we practiced using verbs for now and the past in sentences. Finally, we wrote the concluding sentence on our paragraph about why we love camping. 

During Math class, we solved a problem by acting it out and guessing and checking. We used pennies to act out the problem and find the answer. 

In Science class today, we watched a movie about the importance of brushing our teeth. During the movie, the boy finds out why we need to brush our teeth at least twice a day. After the movie, we did an experiment. Students, working with a partner, were given a hard-boiled egg that was soaking in Coke. They were also given a toothbrush with toothpaste. Working together, they brushed the egg clean. Students saw the importance of brushing our teeth. 

Finally, we had Art class. Our focus today switched to Valentine's Day. We made mice using hearts. 

I am also posting a picture of the pirates we made. Each pirate is holding a scroll with r-controlled -ar words. Aaarghh! 

Have a great weekend! 

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