Thursday, February 12, 2015

The 101st Day of School

Greetings! It is hard to believe that today is already Thursday. This week is just flying by. I know that the students really enjoyed everything we did yesterday on the 100th day of school. It took us a little bit to get going this morning. 

We wrapped up our chapter about the parish in Religion class today. We discussed the key terms we have been talking about (parish, pastor, and worship) and illustrated some things we do with our parish family. 

In Language Arts class today, we reviewed our sight words, inflected endings, and r-controlled -ar words. We partner read our story and recalled events in the life cycle of the butterfly. We then used different pasta noodles to make a diagram of the life cycle of the butterfly. This activity is one of my favorites that I do each year. 

After that we worked in our literacy centers. We also reviewed helping verbs by using them correctly in sentences and wrote the concluding sentence on our paragraph on why we love the beach. 

During Math class today, we practiced adding two two-digit numbers without using dimes and pennies. It took a bit of practice to do this but after some practice, we got very good at adding. 

We wrapped up the day with Social Studies class. In honor of Abraham Lincoln's birthday, we read a story about him and then wrote some facts that we learned. We added the facts to a little craft. Happy Birthday, President Lincoln!

I am posting pictures of the 100th day designs the students did. Thank you so much for taking the time to help your child make a design. They turned out awesome. I am always impressed with the creativity! 

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