Monday, October 31, 2016

The End of October!

Greetings! Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had fun trick or treating this weekend. The students were so excited to tell me about their adventures. I loved every story. 

In Religion class today we finished praying the Glorious Mysteries. The students brought their rosaries home with them today. I encouraged them to continue to pray the rosary at home with you. We also talked about Ordinary Time; we discussed how during this church season, we hear stories about Jesus. 

In Language Arts class, we learned new oral vocabulary words. We also worked on making predictions as we read 3 Little Dassies. Next, we practiced blending and reading short u words. Then, we practiced our sight words for the week. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers to end the morning. This afternoon we talked about singular and plural nouns. 

During Math class today we used a balance to weigh objects. To help us weigh objects we used pennies. We discovered that an eraser is 102 pennies! We also weighed a crayon, pencil, and marker! 

Happy Halloween! 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween (a few days early)! Today was our Halloween parade/party. The students were so excited for this today; they could hardly wait until after lunch. 

But, before we had our festivities, we did some learning. In Religion class today we reviewed the seasons of the Church year. We talked about how we praise God and thank him all year long. 

For Math class today, we completed some Halloween patterns. In Language Arts class, we read a Scholastic News magazine. We even had a special Art class this morning. Today, we made candy corn men. They are awesome! 

After lunch, it was time to celebrate. We enjoyed going up on stage in the cafeteria so that everyone could see our costumes. Thank you to the parents who helped with our party. We enjoyed bowling, playing Halloween Head-Bands, and touching icky Halloween foods. Everyone left with a smile on their face! 

Here are some pictures from the activities we did yesterday and today: 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Parade of Saints!

Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. But before we had our All Saints' Day prayer service, we had some learning to do. 

In Religion class today, we talked about the seasons in the church year. We learned a little bit about each one and talked about the colors for each season. 

Our Language Arts learning centered around Halloween. Yesterday we wrote about how to fly a magic broom. Today we added our writing to a witch craft. Then we read Creepy Carrots. After reading the story, we talked about how we would have solved the problem of the creepy carrots. We drew and wrote how we would solve this problem. We added a creepy carrot to our writing. 

In Math class today, we graphed pattern blocks. Each student took a handful of block, sorted them, and then graphed them. We then answered questions about our graphs. 

Finally it was time for our All Saints' prayer service. The students were so excited to dress as their patron saint and walked so proudly in church. They all looked so amazing. Thank you to everyone who helped make this day special for the students. 

Tomorrow is our Halloween parade/party. Please remember to send in your child's costume in a marked bag. Also, tomorrow is a jean day. It will be another exciting day. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Cozy Day!

Greetings! Today was the perfect day for our sweatshirt/sweatpants day. The students were so comfy and cozy all day long. We didn't sweat it; we just said NO! Tomorrow is sunglasses day because we are too bright for drugs! 

Our focus today in Religion class was on the All Saints' Day prayer service. We are so excited for tomorrow. The first graders did such a good job practicing with our eighth grade buddies. Our eighth grade buddies did an awesome job writing their speech. Please come and join us tomorrow at 1:00 for our prayer service. 

In Language Arts class we practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We also practiced reading short e words and words with inflected ending. Then we reviewed nouns especially putting commas between them when there are three or more in a row. Finally, we took our weekly assessment. 

In Math class we practiced our adding 1 facts by using a wrap up. These facts are easy for us since it is just like counting by 1's. 

Please don't forget to send in the Halloween trinkets tomorrow. They will be bagged after school. Also, because of the prayer service, we will not have gym class tomorrow. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Crazy Sock Day!

Greetings on this chilly Tuesday. Unfortunately I think our Indian summer has come and gone; it looks like fall weather is here to stay. It didn't seem to bother the students, though. They enjoyed their recess today. 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our chapter on the Great Commandment. We reviewed ways to love God, our neighbors, and ourselves. 

In Language Arts class we used the Smartboard to review words with inflected endings and to practice using nouns in sentences. We also used our letter tiles to build short e words. Then we read our word wall to review all of the sight words we have learned. After a short break to practice for All Saints' Day, we returned to partner read our story The Red Hat and then reviewed the details in the story. 

During Math class today, we learned new addition facts: the adding 1 facts. We first used linking cubes to help us solve the problems; then we completed our own set of fact cards. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in crazy sock/tie day. The students really enjoyed it. Tomorrow's theme is Don't Sweat It: Just Say NO! Students can wear sweatshirts/sweatpants to school. 

Enjoy your night! 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Red Ribbon Week!

Greetings! Welcome Back! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. I really missed seeing the students on Friday. From the sounds of it, the students enjoyed their day off. 

Today we kicked off Red Ribbon Week. Our focus today was talking about how we feel when we say no to drugs. We 'Emojin' the Possibilities.' Tomorrow we sock it to drugs; the students can wear crazy socks and/or ties to school. 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we talked about who are neighbors are. We read the Good Samaritan story and learned that Jesus said that everyone is our neighbor. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words and our sight words. Then we practiced reading short e words and words with inflected endings. We put our skills to the test as we read The Red Hat. As we read the story we worked on making predictions and on identifying characters, setting, and events in the story. We wrapped up class by reviewing nouns. 

During Math class today we identified activities we do in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night. We placed pictures on a collage that identified these activities. 

Enjoy your night!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pumpkin Fun!

Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. It was the culmination of our pumpkin study. After learning about pumpkins all week, it was time to carve a pumpkin. We cleaned out the gooey stuff, decided on a face, and waited patiently until I carved it. Here is our pumpkin: 

In addition to carving it, we wrote the steps in the process. Here is an example of our writing process. 

Besides the pumpkin, we did do other learning today in first grade. In Religion class today, we continued learning the Great Commandment. Today we focused on ways to love ourselves and love others. To help us remember the Great Commandment, we created a heart poster. Here is one sample: 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our vocabulary words and our sight words. We also reread Good Job, Ben and wrote about the characters, setting, and events in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Finally, we read our decodable reader. 

It is no surprise that we went outside for gym class today. We just had to take advantage of the beautiful, warm weather. 

In Math class today we used linking cubes to measure the length and width of our desks. This is the first measuring lesson we did. We will soon be using rulers to measure. 

Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend! See you on Monday! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Great Commandment

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a fantastic week like we are in first grade. 

In Religion class today, we learned the Great Commandment. Jesus told us to love God, love others, and love ourselves. We will continue our discussion of the Great Commandment tomorrow. 

In Language Arts class, we learned three new oral vocabulary words and practiced making predictions while listening to a story. Then we practiced reading short e words by using our letter tiles to spell and read words. Next, we learned how to blend and read words with inflected ending -ed; we also talked about how the meaning of the word changes when -ed is added to a word. This afternoon, we reviewed nouns by creating a piece of pizza. Under each pepperoni we wrote an example of a person, place, and thing. 

During Math class today we learned how to count backwards from 10 by 1's. We also practiced adding one to a number; we used pennies and a hundred number chart to help us. 

We continued our discussion about pumpkins today. Our focus today was on the life cycle of a pumpkin. We made a flow chart to show the stages. Here is an example: 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blessings for Beautiful Weather!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! What a beautiful day it was! It is truly a day to give thanks to God for his blessings! 

We began our day in Religion class. Today we talked about how popular Jesus was. We learned that many people came to hear Jesus talk. One day he even had to go into a boat so that everyone could see and hear him. No matter what, Jesus always made everyone feel special. 

Our focus then switched to Language Arts. Today we learned our new sight words and practiced reading them in sentences. We also reviewed short e words by playing an online game using our Smartboard. Next, we practiced reading short e words and our sight words by reading Good Job, Ben! This afternoon, we reviewed nouns by finding them in sentences. 

During Math class today, we learned how to write number sentences for some, some went away stories. First we drew the picture and then we wrote the sentence. 

Today we began our study of pumpkins. Our focus today was the parts of a pumpkin. We created a diagram labeling each part. 

Enjoy the warm breeze! 

Monday, October 17, 2016


Greetings! I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend we had. It was so nice to be able to sit outside yesterday. Let's keep enjoying our Indian summer! 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our chapter on Jesus sharing God's love with everyone. We also began praying the Sorrowful Mysteries. 

In Language Arts class today we learned new oral vocabulary words. We also worked on making predictions while reading a story. Then, we practiced blending and reading short e words. We also made an egg's nest where we wrote short e words on the eggs. Next, we worked in our literacy centers. We finished the day by learning about nouns. We made a flip book where we wrote a name of a person, place, and thing. 

During Math class today we practiced ordering numbers to 20. Then we worked on adding 1 to a number. We first used linking cubes to show one number and then added one to that number. Before long, we were able to start with a number and add one mentally. 

Here are the pictures from Friday's Art class. Aren't they great? 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Fire Safety Week!

Greetings! Today marked the end of Fire Safety Week. All week we have been talking about firefighters and fire safety. We wrote about the things firefighters have, can do, and are. We also created a dog with fire safety rules written on the bones. Today, Dauntless fire company came to the school for our fire drill. Afterwards, they talked to the students about fire safety and brought gifts for them. Here are some pictures of the projects we did in class this week. 

For Religion class today, we joined the other students on the Primary floor for a prayer service. We were reminded to always pray to God for He will help us. 

We wrapped up our week of learning in Language Arts class today. We reviewed r blends and s blends by reading words; we used possessives in sentences. Finally, we wrote sentences using our sight words. 

In Math class today, we practiced our doubles facts by using a wrap-up. We also learned how to solve a problem by looking for a pattern. 

We wrapped up our study of animals in Science class today. We completed a graphic organizer with important facts about animals. 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we made Frankenstein! They look amazing. I can't post a picture of just one or two. They all look so good. So, I'll post them all next week once they are hanging in the hallway. 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jesus, the Healer

Greetings! Today was a great day in first grade. We were busy learning and practicing new skills. 

Religion class was full of excitement today. We read a story about Jesus healing a paralyzed man. We then made a small booklet about Jesus being the healer. Finally, we made a poster with the title 'Jesus Heal Us'. We added band-aids around Jesus to remind us the Jesus helps us. Here are some examples: 

In Language Arts today, we reviewed r blends and s blends by using our letter tiles. We also reviewed our sight words by reading the Word Wall. In addition we reviewed possessives by writing sentences with possessives. We practiced our fluency and comprehension by partner reading our story and answering questions in our close reading companion. 

During Math class today, we used pattern blocks to cover designs. We learned that it is easy to cover a design that has the shapes outline and that it is harder when the designs have no outlines. 

This afternoon we went over to church to pray the Living Rosary. The intermediate students did a wonderful job leading us. Kudos to them! 

Tomorrow will be exciting. The firemen are coming to visit! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mid Week Reviewing!

Happy Wednesday! This week is going right by us! 

Today in Religion class we talked about how Jesus shared God's love with us by healing people. Our story today was Jesus healing two blind men. We will be reading more stories about Jesus healing people tomorrow. 

Language Arts was full of learning and review today. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, r blend words, s blend words, possessives, and our sight words. When we finished that, we read our story Move It! After reading the story we worked on finding the key details about how we use our bodies to move. Then, we wrote a descriptive sentence and practiced writing statements, questions, and exclamations. 

In Math class today we continued practicing our doubles facts. Today, the students independently wrote answers to the doubles facts. We then reviewed the answers together. Tonight, the students have their first fact homework page. Next, we practiced our doubles facts by using a wrap up. 

Just a reminder that we will not have Gym class tomorrow because of the Living Rosary. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Time Flies When You Are Learning!

Happy Tuesday! Today was a busy day in first grade. As one student said as we were packing up, I can't believe the day is over; it feels like we just started! 

We began our day by going over to church for Adoration. It was the perfect way to begin our day by spending some quiet time talking to Jesus. 

In Language Arts today, we learned three new oral vocabulary words. We also practiced the skill of asking and answering questions as we read a story. Next, we reviewed r blends and s blends by using our letter tiles to build words. Then, we learned about possessives. We learned that possessives show ownership; we practiced our new found knowledge by completing a worksheet where we completed the possessive phrase. Next, we reread Move and Grin! and wrote key details from the story. Later in the day, we practiced identifying statements, questions, and exclamations. 

We began our Math class today by reviewing our doubles facts. Pretty soon the students will be practicing their facts nightly at home. Then we learned how to identify heavier objects. We used a balance to do this. First we put two things on the balance, and then we watched to see which side went down. The side that went down was the heavier one. The students really enjoyed using a balance. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy Columbus Day!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I will say that the colder temperatures this morning was a bit of a shock. Thankfully the sun came out today. That helped to warm things up. 

We began Religion class today by praying the first decade of the Luminous Mysteries. We will continue to pray a decade of the Luminous Mysteries each day this week. We continued class by learning that God will always love us and watch over us. 

In Language Arts class, we began by learning some new oral vocabulary words. We then practiced blending and reading words with r blends and s blends. We followed that up by learning new sight words. We then put our knowledge to work by reading Move and Grin!  As we read this story, we practiced asking and answering questions as we read. We finished the morning by working in our literacy centers. This afternoon, we practiced identifying statements, questions, and exclamations. 

We practiced our doubles facts in Math class today. First we said our Doubles Rap. Then we used our student fact cards to practice saying the problems and answers. Finally we wrote the answers on a fact sheet. 

Here are two pictures. The first one is from Art class on Friday; the students made jack-o-lanterns. The second one is a finished poster from our Columbus day learning last Thursday. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Almost There!

Happy Thursday! It is hard to believe that the week is almost over. 

Today in Religion class we learned that Jesus shared God's love with all people. We read the story of Zacchaeus and colored a story booklet. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, short o words, sight words, and ABC order. To build our fluency and comprehension, we partner read Friends and answered questions in our close reading companion. Next we practiced finding rhyming words. Finally we read a poem and answered questions about it. 

For Gym class we went outside. It was absolutely beautiful outside. The sun was hitting the trees so beautiful. It was a perfect fall day. 

After Gym, we had Math class. Today we learned four new doubles facts. We used our linking cubes to help solve these problems. We also made fact cards by writing answers to the facts on the back. We will be using these fact cards to practice our facts in class. 

We ended our day with Social Studies class. Today we learned about Christopher Columbus. We made a story booklet and are working on a poster of his three ships. 

Tomorrow will be a busy day! Sleep Tight! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Back to Normal!

Happy Wednesday! Things were much more normal in first grade today. One student commented that today was a short day, but it was filled with lots of learning. 

We began our day by talking about John the Baptist in Religion class. We learned that he is Jesus' cousin and was sent to tell the people to get ready for Jesus. 

Then we moved into Language Arts class. Today we reviewed short o words and our sight words. We also practiced putting words into ABC order. Then we read our story Friends  which is a nonfiction story about two friends and what they do together. We spent time talking all about the things they played and how they are good friends. In addition to that, we wrote a descriptive sentence and practice identifying questions and exclamations. We ended class by working in our literacy centers. 

In Math class today we used our pattern blocks to make various patterns. We made AB, ABB, ABC, and ABBC patterns. While making each type of pattern we read them by color, shape, and letter. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! Also, here are some pictures of the mummies we made on Friday. I just love them! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Disjointed Morning!

Greetings! Today was a bit of an out-of-sorts morning in first grade. We had our annual trip to the nurse's office for the usual screenings. By the time we finished, it was time to go to Guidance class. 

We did partake in Religion class today. We reviewed the things Jesus did as a boy. We talked about things we would have done with Jesus if we lived back then. The students then drew pictures of the things they would have down. 

In Language Arts class today, we learned some new oral vocabulary words and practiced asking questions about a text before reading it. We were then able to answer our questions after reading it. We then practiced reading short o words and our sight words. Next it was time for something new; we learned how to put words into ABC order. Finally, we practiced identifying questions and exclamations. 

During Math class today we learned how to write number sentences for some, some more stories. We began by drawing our picture for the story. We then wrote numbers that corresponded to what we drew. 

Here's a thought to end the day: Happiness is milk and cookies followed by an afternoon nap! 

Monday, October 3, 2016

Welcome October!

Greetings! Welcome to the month of October in first grade!This month will get busy especially towards the end. Please read the letter that went home today regarding All Saints' Day. If you have any questions, please let me know. 

The church dedicates the month of October to the rosary. So, today in first grade we learned how to pray the rosary. We first colored a sheet explaining the prayers we pray. Next, the students were given their own rosaries and we prayed the first decade of the Joyful Mysteries. Each day we will continue to pray of decade of  the rosary. 

Our focus then switched to Language Arts. We began by learning two new oral vocabulary words. We then talked about asking and answering questions when reading a text. We put this skill to work as we read Friends All Around. Next, we practiced blending and reading short o words. That was followed by us practicing our new sight words. We finished the morning by working in our literacy centers. This afternoon we wrote a descriptive sentence about a cat and learned about questions and exclamations. 

In Math class today we talked about rectangles. We learned that rectangles have 4 angles and 4 sides. We then used our geoboards to make rectangles. 

Just a reminder that book orders are due tomorrow. Enjoy your night!