Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Back to Normal!

Happy Wednesday! Things were much more normal in first grade today. One student commented that today was a short day, but it was filled with lots of learning. 

We began our day by talking about John the Baptist in Religion class. We learned that he is Jesus' cousin and was sent to tell the people to get ready for Jesus. 

Then we moved into Language Arts class. Today we reviewed short o words and our sight words. We also practiced putting words into ABC order. Then we read our story Friends  which is a nonfiction story about two friends and what they do together. We spent time talking all about the things they played and how they are good friends. In addition to that, we wrote a descriptive sentence and practice identifying questions and exclamations. We ended class by working in our literacy centers. 

In Math class today we used our pattern blocks to make various patterns. We made AB, ABB, ABC, and ABBC patterns. While making each type of pattern we read them by color, shape, and letter. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day! Also, here are some pictures of the mummies we made on Friday. I just love them! 

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