Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mid Week Reviewing!

Happy Wednesday! This week is going right by us! 

Today in Religion class we talked about how Jesus shared God's love with us by healing people. Our story today was Jesus healing two blind men. We will be reading more stories about Jesus healing people tomorrow. 

Language Arts was full of learning and review today. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, r blend words, s blend words, possessives, and our sight words. When we finished that, we read our story Move It! After reading the story we worked on finding the key details about how we use our bodies to move. Then, we wrote a descriptive sentence and practiced writing statements, questions, and exclamations. 

In Math class today we continued practicing our doubles facts. Today, the students independently wrote answers to the doubles facts. We then reviewed the answers together. Tonight, the students have their first fact homework page. Next, we practiced our doubles facts by using a wrap up. 

Just a reminder that we will not have Gym class tomorrow because of the Living Rosary. 

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