Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy Columbus Day!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I will say that the colder temperatures this morning was a bit of a shock. Thankfully the sun came out today. That helped to warm things up. 

We began Religion class today by praying the first decade of the Luminous Mysteries. We will continue to pray a decade of the Luminous Mysteries each day this week. We continued class by learning that God will always love us and watch over us. 

In Language Arts class, we began by learning some new oral vocabulary words. We then practiced blending and reading words with r blends and s blends. We followed that up by learning new sight words. We then put our knowledge to work by reading Move and Grin!  As we read this story, we practiced asking and answering questions as we read. We finished the morning by working in our literacy centers. This afternoon, we practiced identifying statements, questions, and exclamations. 

We practiced our doubles facts in Math class today. First we said our Doubles Rap. Then we used our student fact cards to practice saying the problems and answers. Finally we wrote the answers on a fact sheet. 

Here are two pictures. The first one is from Art class on Friday; the students made jack-o-lanterns. The second one is a finished poster from our Columbus day learning last Thursday. 

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