Thursday, October 6, 2016

Almost There!

Happy Thursday! It is hard to believe that the week is almost over. 

Today in Religion class we learned that Jesus shared God's love with all people. We read the story of Zacchaeus and colored a story booklet. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, short o words, sight words, and ABC order. To build our fluency and comprehension, we partner read Friends and answered questions in our close reading companion. Next we practiced finding rhyming words. Finally we read a poem and answered questions about it. 

For Gym class we went outside. It was absolutely beautiful outside. The sun was hitting the trees so beautiful. It was a perfect fall day. 

After Gym, we had Math class. Today we learned four new doubles facts. We used our linking cubes to help solve these problems. We also made fact cards by writing answers to the facts on the back. We will be using these fact cards to practice our facts in class. 

We ended our day with Social Studies class. Today we learned about Christopher Columbus. We made a story booklet and are working on a poster of his three ships. 

Tomorrow will be a busy day! Sleep Tight! 

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