Saturday, October 29, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween (a few days early)! Today was our Halloween parade/party. The students were so excited for this today; they could hardly wait until after lunch. 

But, before we had our festivities, we did some learning. In Religion class today we reviewed the seasons of the Church year. We talked about how we praise God and thank him all year long. 

For Math class today, we completed some Halloween patterns. In Language Arts class, we read a Scholastic News magazine. We even had a special Art class this morning. Today, we made candy corn men. They are awesome! 

After lunch, it was time to celebrate. We enjoyed going up on stage in the cafeteria so that everyone could see our costumes. Thank you to the parents who helped with our party. We enjoyed bowling, playing Halloween Head-Bands, and touching icky Halloween foods. Everyone left with a smile on their face! 

Here are some pictures from the activities we did yesterday and today: 

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