Tuesday, February 21, 2017

After a Long Weekend!

Greetings and Welcome Back after a long weekend. I know it has only been four days, but it feels like forever! The students seemed ready to come back today. We started a little sluggish, but once we got going, we were off to the races. 

In Religion class today we talked about how we celebrate God's love. We said that we worship God with special words like Alleluia and Amen. We also talked about other ways we celebrate God's love at Mass. To conclude class, we drew pictures of ourselves at Mass worshiping God. 

Language Arts was one busy class today. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words and answered questions using these words. We reviewed long o words and used our letter tiles to spell long o words. Then we learned about open syllable words. First, we learned how to decode them; then, we learned how to identify the open syllable. Next, it was time to review our sight words and vocabulary words. With all the phonics knowledge, we switched gears to reading. We reread Go Wild! and wrote about the main idea and key details in the story. We then read our decodable reader and answered questions about it. To end, we practiced using go, went, do, and did in sentences. 

Addition was the focus in Math class today. We again added two two-digit numbers; however, this time it involved regrouping. To help us, we used dimes and pennies. After showing each amount, we counted the pennies, decided if we had enough to trade for a time, and if we did we took away 10 pennies and put a dime on our mat. The students did wonderful trading pennies for dimes. 

Enjoy your night! 

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