Friday, February 10, 2017

Back in Action!

Greetings! Happy Friday! I hope everyone enjoyed the snow day yesterday. I will say that I did miss school yesterday. I missed seeing the students; their excitement for learning everyday is contagious. 

We began our day with a prayer service. Today we were reminded of God's healing grace. Back in the classroom, we talked about how our parish helps others. We learned that by praying, visiting the sick, and helping those in need are all ways that a parish helps others. 

Language Arts class was full of fun. We reviewed prefixes today. We really spent time learning the meaning of the prefixes re-, un-, and pre-. I put a bunch of words on the board. I then gave the students a definition and they had to find the word. 

Next, we did some Valentine's Day writing. First we generated a list of things that fill our hearts with love. Then we drew pictures of these things in a giant heart. Last we wrote about what feels are heart with love. Here are some examples: 

After that we read The Biggest Valentine Ever. After reading the story, we made a mouse out of hearts. This was our Art project last week that got postponed until today. 

In Math class today we learned about congruent shapes which are shapes that have the same size and the same shape. I made a shape on the geoboard, and the students had to make a congruent shape on their geoboard. We did this several times enjoying each one. 

Science class focused on dental health today. We watched a short DVD about the importance of eating healthy foods, washing our hands, and brushing our teeth. We then practiced brushing teeth. Pairs of students were given a hard boiled egg that was soaked in Coke. Using a toothbrush and toothpaste, they had to clean the tooth. They loved this. They also said that they will brush their teeth every night. 

We ended with Art class. Today we made our treat bags for Valentine's Day. I'll post pictures of the bags next week. 

Enjoy your weekend! 

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