Sunday, February 5, 2017

Happy 100th Day of School!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! Friday was a crazy day for the 100th Day of School. There was so much excitement in first grade. The students left with smiles and memories. 

We began our 100th day of school by going to Mass. Msgr. Lockard talked to us about how lucky we are to be part of Holy Name School. 

Back in the classroom, we held our Math Meeting, took a Spelling test, and then learned how to solve a Math word problem. Today we used the strategies of guess and check and act it out to solve the problems. After Spanish class and lunch, it was time to start the 100th Day of School celebration. 

First, we created a self portrait of ourselves when we are 100 years old. We then wrote about something we would do when we are 100. Check out their work: 

We did take a break from our celebration to go to the volleyball game. It was such a great time. The students were so excited to cheer on the 8th grade team. Despite the 8th graders best effort, the teachers prevailed in all three games played. 

We returned to the classroom to our celebration. Next, the students were divided into groups and given 100 objects. They had to work together to make a design using their objects. Here they are: 

We ran out of time for Art class so we will make that up next week. I leave you with pictures of the 100 designs the children made at home. They are awesome. Thank you for taking the time to make the designs with the children. 

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