Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Summer Weather in February!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather we are having. We have been able to go outside these past two days for recess. The students are really enjoying the chance to run around with their friends. 

In Religion class today we talked about the sacraments. We learned that Jesus gave us the seven sacraments and that the sacraments are a special sign of God's life and love. Tomorrow we will learn the names of the seven sacraments. 

Language Arts class was busy with learning today. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, long o words, open syllable words, our sight words, and our vocabulary words. We practiced reading these words, using them in sentences, and spelling them. Next we read a story in our decodable reader booklets. That was followed by reading a story in our literature anthology. The students enjoyed reading and talking about Vulture View which is about the day in the life of a vulture. This afternoon we wrote a narrative paragraph about our Valentine's day party and wrote proper nouns correctly. 

Time was the subject in Math class today as we learned to tell time to the half hour. We used our clocks to show various times and practiced writing the times. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym day! 

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