Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Seven Sacraments!

Greetings! It was another great day in first grade. We had fun learning and enjoying the gorgeous weather. 

In Religion class today we learned the name of the seven sacraments and a little about them. After that, we made a cross with symbols of the seven sacraments. Here is an example: 

In Language Arts class, we answered questions using our oral vocabulary words, spelled long o words using our letter tiles, practiced identifying open syllables in words, and reviewed our sight and vocabulary words. We read a story from our decodable readers, partner read Vulture View, and read a poem. 

For gym class today, we again headed to the gym. Today we learned how to play kickball. First we practiced kicking a moving ball. Next we practiced running the bases. Then we put those skills together to play kickball. 

In Math class today we learned about fourths. We learned how to divide a square into fourths two different ways and how to write the fraction one fourth. 

We wrapped up our day with Social Studies. Today we learned about George Washington. After reading a biography, we wrote the facts we learned. We added our writing to a craft. Here is an example: 

Enjoy your night! 

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