Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Game Day!

Greetings! The excitement level in first grade is building. The students could not wait for their Game Day today. But, before we could relax and play games, we had learning to do. 

In Religion class today we wrapped up our chapter about loving and serving God and others. We generated lists of ways to serve God and others and wrote the ones we can do this week. 

In Language Arts today, we focused on writing. Today we wrote about the things we want to do this summer including where we would like to go, what we would like to eat, and what we would like to play. We then drew pictures of us doing our summer dreams in sunglasses. We added those sunglasses to make a face. The finished project was just amazing. 

Also in Language Arts we read Marvin K. Mooney Would You Please Go Now, the Dr. Seuss book we voted last week for. The students loved this story. After reading it, the students had to design a new way for Marvin to go. They were very creative in their designs and names. Dr. Seuss would be proud. 

In Science class today we talked about different way we use plants. We said that we use plants to make tables, paper, and clothes. 

In Math class today, we learned four new subtraction facts. To help us with these facts, we wrote fact families. We promised to continue to practice our Math facts over the summer. 

Finally, it was time for our Game Day activity. The students were divided into groups and played four different board games. I loved watching them have fun playing classic board games and learning some new games. It makes me want to have a board game night at my house. Thank you for helping with this activity! 

There is a big surprise waiting the students tomorrow. Also, don't forget that tomorrow is gym day! 

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