Saturday, May 13, 2017

Hawk Walk Day!

Greetings! Today was our annual Hawk Walk day, a day of fun and celebration. The students were quite excited about today. You could feel the excitement as soon as they came into the room. 

But, before the fun began, we had some work to do. We began our day by attending a prayer service on the Primary floor. There we were reminded to always trust in God. After that, we took our Spelling and reading test. We then used our oral vocabulary words in sentences and read three letter blend words. Finally, we wrote sentences using our sight words. 

Then it was time for the Hawk Walk. After posing for the group picture, we began our walk around Ebensburg. It was a bit chilly but we did not let that stop of from having fun. The walk was a good exercise for us. 

Back at the school, our picnic lunch was forced inside. But that was ok. We enjoyed our hamburgers and hot dogs. 

Between the walk and the games, we began watching the movie Meet the Robinsons. We did not get to finish it but we will sometime next week. 

The afternoon was spent in the cafeteria playing games and dancing. We enjoyed the jug toss, bean bag toss, over/under, penguin walk, and the face painting. Then it was time to dance; these kids really know how to have fun. It was such a great time; the students really enjoyed everything. They left happy and tired. 

Thank you to everyone who helped make this day such a success. Without your dedication, Holy Name would not be what it is. 

To all of the moms, Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have a special weekend!

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