Thursday, May 11, 2017

May Crowning!

Greetings on this dreary Thursday. We are hoping that today is the only day of rain we have this week. We are hoping for nice weather for tomorrow. 

We wrapped up our study of the Mass today in Religion class. We reviewed the different parts of the Mass as well as our responses we say at Mass. We then illustrated two things that we do at Mass. 

Language Arts was lots of fun today. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We used our whiteboards to spell and read words with three letters blends and words with inflectional endings. We read our word wall to review our sight words. We then switched our focus to fluency and comprehension. We partner read a story in our decodable readers and read a nonfiction piece about origami. After reading that story, we made our own origami dog; the students were fascinated with this. We finished Language Arts by reviewing using I and me in sentences. 

We did not have Math class today; instead we had Science class. Today we reviewed what we talked about relating to motion. And in Social Studies we talked about the leaders of government. We learned about the mayor, governor, and president. 

We took a break from learning to attend our annual May Crowning which was led by our second graders who looked so grown-up in their First Communion outfits. At the service, Msgr. Lockard reminded us that we need to honor Mary as she is always looking down on us. 

Tomorrow is our Hawk Walk. The students will need to wear their red shirts, jeans, and sneakers. 

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