Saturday, May 27, 2017

Goodbye First Grade!

Greetings! Today was our last full day together in first grade. Just where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday we met in the parking lot under the hot August sun. Now, here we are ready to say goodbye to first grade and hello to summer. 

We began our day by attending our Awards Ceremony. The students worked so hard this year and deserved to be honored and recognized for all of their achievements. They were so excited to receive their awards; they held onto them like gold. It was so precious to see. 

From there, we returned to the classroom to do some last minute learning. We talked about how Mary was the mother of Jesus and how she taught him many things. We also said that we need to honor Mary since she is Jesus' mother. 

From there we jumped into Science class. We reviewed what we learned about plants this week. 

And that was that. We spent the rest of the morning cleaning. We started with our desks and then moved to things around the classroom. The students are quite good cleaners. They did a great job helping me out. 

This afternoon we watched the Trolls Movie. They really enjoyed it. 

Just a reminder that dismissal on Tuesday is at 10:00 AM. The students can wear shorts and sandals. They must bring their bookbags and red folders to school. 

I wish to take this time to thank everyone for a fantastic school year. I truly looked forward each day to going to school and helping the children grow in their knowledge. It was a joy and pleasure to work with your child this year. Thank you for all of your support, encouragement, and love this year. Without you, this school year would not have been so successful. May you and your family have a wonderful summer. Relax, soak in the sun, and enjoy the time together. I'll see you in August! 

God Bless!
~Miss Chalich 

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