Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Snuggle and Cuddle Day!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Today was quite an exciting day in first grade! The students were so excited for our Snuggle and Cuddle Reading Day. It was so neat to hear the students read today. They have all grown so much in reading this year. They are well on their way to becoming fluent readers. Thank you for taking the time to help them practice their book and pick out the stuffed animal to bring. 

In addition to our Snuggle and Cuddle event we did do some work today. We began our day by going to Adoration. We spent quiet time with Jesus praying for others and asking him to help keep us safe and happy this summer. 

In Language Arts today we wrote a persuasive paragraph on why we love first grade. The top reason was Art; the second reason was Gym. 

In Social Studies class today we talked about American symbols. We spent time travelling around the USA looking at various American symbols like the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell, Gateway Arch, and the Golden Gate Bridge. To help us remember some of these symbols, we made a flip book. 

In Science class today we sorted foods based on what part of a plant they come from. 

And in Math class today we focused on place value. We used pictures of pennies to show three digit numbers; this helped us to identify the hundreds, tens, and ones. 

And, as an added bonus today, we had Art class. Today we created a beach scene. First we painted the sand and water. Then we colored, cut, and glued pictures to our scene. Finally, we sprinkled real sand onto our painted sand. The final results will come home tomorrow. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our game day. Please remember your board game! 

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