Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A Day to Remember!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a great day! It was quite an adventurous day in first grade today. We began our day with no power. The beautiful sunshine did help us to get some learning in. Then, when the power came on, there was such a surge that the fire alarm went off. I am so proud of how all of the students exited quickly and quietly. They definitely know what to do in case of an emergency. It was not until after lunch that things returned to normal! 

In Religion class today we talked about the events of Good Friday. We learned that on this day, we remember Jesus' dying on the cross. We then made a cross scene. Students painted the background and then added the crosses this afternoon. They look beautiful. 

In Language Arts class, we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. We then reread The Joy of a Ship and identified cause and effect examples in the story. After that we partner read our decodable reader and idenitfied cause and effect examples in that story as well. Finally, we worked with prepositions. Students worked in pairs to write a sentence using a prespositional phrase. We then practiced using prepositions in sentences. 

In Math class today, we took our chapter test on the calendar and telling time. Next week we will begin to explore the numbers to 120. 

We had a special Science class today. Today we wrapped up our chapter on sound, light, and heat. We reviewed everything we learned by completing a graphic organizer. 

We ended the day with our Easter show and tell event. The students were quite creative in what they put in their egg. They were also very good at guessing what was in the egg. We really enjoyed this! 

Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be dismissing at 12. 

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