Saturday, April 20, 2019

A Special Visitor!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their Easter break! When the students walked into the classroom on Thursday, they were greeted with Easter baskets on their desks. The Easter Bunny left them a special gift. I just loved seeing their excitement and joy. It melts my heart! 

Once we got settled, we began our day with Religion class. We spent time reviewing Holy Week. We created a cross with pictures of Holy Week. They turned out very nice. 

From there we did some jelly bean math. We used jelly beans to measure various objects in our classroom. We then created patterns using jelly beans. 

We then joined our second grade friends to watch Charlie Brown. And before we knew it, it was time to go home! 

Just a reminder that we do have school on Monday. 

I hope everyone has a blessed and happy Easter! 

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