Thursday, April 25, 2019

Super Learners!

Greetings on this rainy and dreary Thursday. I did miss the sunshine today. I hope it doesn't hide for too long! 

In Religion class today we switched our focus back to talking about God's forgiveness. Today we talked about the importance of forgiving others. We said that when we have trouble forgiving we need to ask God for help. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts. We learned our new oral vocabulary words (conflict, fair, argument, risk, and shift). We then worked on rereading for details as we listened to a fable about a cat and mice. After that we learned how to read variant vowel /u/ spelled oo, u, u-e, ui, ew, and ue. Following that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. With all this new knowledge, it was time to practice. We read a fantasy story about writing tools helping a girl in Super Tools. Finally, we learned the pronouns and practiced identifying them in sentences. 

We ended the morning by working on our Lorax project from yesterday. We created a Lorax on paper and then wrote about ways we can help Earth. 

The rain kept us inside for Gym today. We played kickball. The students really got into the game. I loved seeing their enthusiasm. 

In Math class today we practiced identifying the greater and least number in a set. We also ordered numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least. Finally, we learned how to use the comparison symbols < and >. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about how people work to earn money. We learned that some workers work in a factory. We watched a short video on how people in a factory help make crayons. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Library day! Don't forget your books! 

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