Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Scenes!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the sunshine before the rains came! 

We began our day with Religion class. Today we again read and talked about the Easter story. The students then created their own Easter scene. I just love doing this project every year. I love seeing their interpretation about the first Easter. Here are some of the projects: 

We began Language Arts class by working in our literacy centers. Then we jumped into our daily routine. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, words with the diphthongs oi and oy and words with final stable syllables (C+le). We then read our word wall to review all of our sight words. Our focus then switched to building our fluency and comprehension. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets and our story from yesterday about bridges. We then read a short nonfiction piece about tiny houses and completed pages in our close reading to go along with it. 

This afternoon we reviewed how to write abbreviations remembering that they begin with a capital letter. We also wrote a persuasive paragraph on why we love recess. 

In Math class today our focus was place value. We identified the number of tens and ones in a number. We then used our base-ten blocks to show various numbers. The students are very good with this. 

Because of the sewer project, our water was a bit brown today. You may send in a water bottle with your child tomorrow for them to use during the day. If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a great night! 

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