Saturday, January 18, 2020

Anything is Possible!

Greetings! I hope everyone had a great day to end their week. We had a busy and productive day in first grade to end ours. 

At Mass today, Fr. Brian reminded us that anything is possible with God. He encouraged us to never give up and keep pushing because we can do it. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in first grade. Today we used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read words with oo and u and words with inflectional endings, and wrote sentences using our sight words. Finally, we took our weekly assessment. 

In Math class today we wrapped up our chapter on addition and subtraction to 20 by taking our chapter test. Next week will begin our chapter on measurement. 

In Science class today we talked about the five food groups. We looked at each food group and named foods in each group. After that we sorted pictures based on whether they were a fruit, vegetable, grain, protein, or dairy. 

Finally, it was time for Art. Today we made an Eskimo. This is one of my favorite Art project's. They always look so cute. I will post pictures of them next week once everything has dried. 

Just a reminder that the students do not have school on Monday. See you on Tuesday! 

Have a great weekend! Stay safe! 

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