Thursday, January 23, 2020

Measurement Fun!

Greetings on this Thursday evening! I don't know about you but I am looking forward to tomorrow. It has been quite a busy week in first grade. 

In Religion class today we talked about how the Holy Spirit helps us today. We said that the Holy Spirit helps us to pray, teach others about Jesus, and help those in need. 

We began Language Arts class by reviewing our oral vocabulary words by answering questions using the words. After that we used our letter tiles to spell and read long a words spelled ai or ay. Following that we learned how to put words into ABC order when all the words start with the same letter; we learned that we focus on the second letter to put them in ABC order. Next, we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. We ended our morning by rereading A Tale of a Tail and sequencing the events in the story. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we read our decodable reader and sequences the events in it. We also practiced using was and were in sentences. 

In Math class today we learned how to order objects using a start line. We placed the pictures against a line and then ordered them from shortest to longest or longest to shortest. The students loved doing this. 

Finally, in Social Studies, we wrapped up our unit on geography by recalling everything we learned. Next our focus switches to economics. 

Tomorrow is a Faith Family Mass day. Students may wear the red Christ is RICH in me shirt to school. We also have Library and Art. 

Have a great night! 

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