Friday, January 3, 2020

Hello 2020!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great Christmas holiday. I enjoyed spending time with my family, relaxing, reading, and snuggling with my dog. 

We began our first school day of 2020 by going to Mass. Today is the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Fr. Brian reminded us today that we should always respect Jesus' name. He also encouraged us to stop and say a prayer when we hear people using his name in vain. 

After Mass, we met up with our Faith Families. With them, we talked about the different names given to Jesus. The students created a wheel of the names. 

Finally, it was time to get back into the first grade routine. We had our Math Meeting and went to the library. We ended the morning by writing about what we hope to do this year. 

In Math class today we reviewed adding numbers whose sum is greater than 10. We used linking cubes, a number line, or our heads to solve the problems. I was happy to see that the students did not forget this over the break! 

In Science class we began our unit on health. Today we learned the 5 senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. To help us remember them, we created  and labeled Mr. Potato Heads. They look great! 

We ended our day with Art. Today the students used tissue paper to design a snowflake. Each one is unique and beautiful. 

Have a fabulous weekend! See you on Monday! 

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