Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Another Late Start!

 Greetings on this snowy day! I hope everyone made it to and from safely today. We are in a good stretch of winter lately. 

Because of our delay, we had to shorten a few things, but we still had time for learning. 

This morning in Language Arts we used our oral vocabulary words in sentences, read long o words and open syllable words. We also partner read our story in our decodable reader booklets. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we wrote sentences using our sight words. We also read a poem and then completed pages in our close reading companion. After that we took our weekly assessment. Next, we practiced using go, went, do, and did in sentences. 

Finally, it was time for Valentine's Day writing. Today we wrote about whether we prefer hugs or kisses and why. We added a Hershey kiss to our writing. 

In Math class we continued to explore picture graphs. Each student was given a dice. They rolled it 10 times and graphed the results. Afterwards, we discussed our results. 

Just a reminder, all Valentine's Day cards need to be brought to school tomorrow. 

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