Saturday, February 6, 2021

Importance of Brushing Teeth!

 Greetings! I hope everyone is having a great start to their weekend! We had a great day yesterday to end our Catholic School's Week. 

In Religion class we took time to make a card for our parents thanking them for all that they do so that we can attend Holy Name. We added the card to a special gift to show that we love them "snow" much! 

In Language Arts class, we practiced using our oral vocabulary words by answering questions with them. We then used our letter tiles to spell and read long o words spelled with o, oa, ow, and oe. After that we learned how to read open syllable words like frozen and locate. Following that, we used our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. We ended our morning focusing on fluency and comprehension. We reread Go Wild and our decodable reader. After each selection, we wrote about that story's main idea and key details. Finally, we practiced using go, went, do, and did in sentences. 

After lunch, we watched the career videos submitted by parents. We really enjoyed seeing all of the different careers. Thank you to everyone who participated!

In Math class, we took our chapter test on measurement. Next week, we will begin to look at graphs. 

Science class was loud, messy, and fun. In honor of Dental Health month, we talked about the importance of brushing our teeth each and every day. We looked at what happens when we don't brush our teeth. Each student was given a hard boiled egg that sat in Coke. That egg was brown and dirty. Using a toothbrush and some toothpaste, the students brushed the egg to make it clean and white. They loved doing this and learned why we need to brush our teeth! 

We ended our day with Art class. Today we read The Biggest Valentine Ever. After reading the story, we created the heart shape mouse that was created in the story. Here are some of our finished projects: 

Have a great weekend! Stay warm! 

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