Thursday, February 4, 2021

Happy 100th Day of School!

 Greetings on this 100th Day of School! We have been waiting a long time for this day, and we were so glad to be able to celebrate today! It was also nice to have a full day of school. 

In between our celebrating, there was some learning. In Religion class, we took time to make thank you cards for a local business who supports Holy Name through their EITC donation. We also watched a vocations video from Sr. Margie who urged all of us to pray and listen to what God is calling us to be. 

In Language Arts class, we practiced reading long o words. We also learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. Then, we read a nonfiction story about animals called Go Wild. The students just loved this story. Finally, we learned how to use go and do in sentences. 

We spent the rest of the morning celebrating the 100th day of school. The students created a necklace using 100 beads. We also wrote about something we learned these first 100 days and something we would still like to learn. We realized these first 100 days were no prob "llama". 

In Math class today we reviewed measurement. We are ready for our chapter test tomorrow. 

We ended our day with more 100th day fun. We created a self portrait and wrote about something we would do when we are 100. We also created a giant poster illustrating things like where we would like, what we would eat, and our family. Here are some of our portraits:

And finally, here are pictures from our 100th day project. Thank you for helping the children with them! 

Have a great evening! 

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