Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Getting Ready for Valentine's Day!

 Greetings on this snowy evening. I hope everyone is doing well. The students are definitely getting excited about our Valentine's day celebration tomorrow. They were a bit more chatty than normal today. 

In Religion class today we learned the names of the seven sacraments. For each sacrament, we learned what we celebrate when we receive it. My favorite response always comes with Matrimony. All the students say yuck and make a face. That always makes me laugh. 

We began Language Arts by working in our guided reading groups to help build our fluency and comprehension skills. We then began a new week of learning. This week we will be reading about insects. Today we learned five new oral vocabulary words (flutter, different, imitate, protect, and resemble). We then worked on rereading as we heard a story about how insects camouflage themselves for safety. Next, we learned how to blend and read long i words spelled i, ie, igh, and y. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. Finally, we read a fantasy story called Creep Low, Fly High. We have to remember to look at the word and all of its letters; we can't just read any word we want. This afternoon we practiced using see and saw in sentences. 

In Math class today we worked with picture graphs. This time, the students created a graph in Seesaw and had to record themselves stating something about the graph. 

In Spanish class today, we learned the Spanish names for chair (silla), table (mesa), book (libro), pencil (lapiz), scissors (tijeras), and eraser (borrador). 

We ended our day making our Valentine treat bags. After school, I filled them with all of the cards and treats. They are waiting on desks for tomorrow morning! 

Have a great night! 

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