Thursday, February 11, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day (a few days early)

 Greetings! Today was a lovely day in first grade. (Sorry about the pun - I had to do it). We had loads of fun celebrating Valentine's Day today. 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our chapter on the sacraments. We reviewed what sacraments are and listed each of the sacraments. 

Language Arts class today was devoted to Valentine's day. We practiced reading nonsense words. We worked on our fluency as we read a short Valentine theme passage. Next, we wrote about things we love like what we like to eat, play with, and make. Our writing then became a cupcake book. Finally we read The Day it Rained Hearts. After reading the story, we wrote about what we would do if it rained hearts. 

In Social Studies today, we learned about Abraham Lincoln. We listened to a story about how he put important papers inside his hat. Afterwards, we wrote about what we would put in our hats. 

In Math class, we learned how to make tally marks. The students remembered this from last year and did great with both making tally marks and counting them. 

Then, it was time for more Valentine fun. This time we used candy hearts to complete several activities. We estimated and then counted how many hearts we would need to fill a heart. We used the hearts to measure arrows. We sorted our hearts by color and then graphed the results. Finally, we used our hearts to make patterns. We ended our day by watching the Charlie Brown Valentine special. 

I didn't take many pictures today. But here are a few from the writing projects we did this week. 

Have a great weekend. I'll see everyone on Tuesday! 

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