Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Greetings Jingles!

 Greetings! Welcome back! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving break. I loved hearing all of the stories today. There was some excitement this morning in first grade. Our classroom elf, Jingles, has arrived. The children were excited to see him. 

We began our day with Religion. We began by reviewing the season of Advent. We watched some Brother Francis videos on things we can do during this season. Then, we returned to our books. Today we learned that prophets were people who told the people to get ready for Jesus. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts; this week (and next week) we will be reading about how plants grow. We began by learning two new oral vocabulary words (bloom and sprout). Next we worked on making predictions as we read Mystery Vine. Following that we practiced finding the same sounds in words. Finally, we learned how to blend and read long i words. 

Our Math class today focused on place value. We used our place value blocks to show various numbers. We then drew the place value blocks to represent the numbers. The children did great with this. 

This afternoon we had our Christmas Concert practice. Things are really beginning to sound beautiful. The children are getting excited for next week. 

After practice, we returned to learning. First, we wrote the steps in planting a seed. Then we practiced saying the Spanish words for colors. 

Have a great night! 

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