Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Pattern Fun!

 Greetings! Happy Wednesday! Today was an action-packed day in first grade. 

We actually began our day with Spanish class because we ran out of time yesterday. Today, we reviewed color words by completing our learning cards. 

Then, we jumped back into our routine with Religion class. Today, we talked about how Abraham was obedient to God as he and his wife moved to a new land. We also talked about ways we can be obedient. 

We began a new week of learning in Language Arts; this week our stories deal with time. We learned two new oral vocabulary words (immediately and schedule). We worked on rereading as we read A Second is a Hiccup. Then, we took a break to practice for our Christmas show. After the practice, we returned to our learning. We learned how to blend and read long a words with the magic e at the end. We also learned our new sight words. We finished the morning by learning about verbs. 

This afternoon we partner read Nate the Snake is Late which helped us to practice reading long a words and our new sight words. 

In Math class today we continued work with patterns. Today we made a pattern hat. Here are some of them: 

We ended our day with some Thanksgiving fun. Today we focused on the Pilgrims. We read two stories about life as a Pilgrim boy and girl. We then made a flip book showing what we learned about the Pilgrims. 

Have a great night! 

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