Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Turkey Fun!

 Greetings! Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a great day! We had a very fun day in first grade. 

In Religion class this morning, we wrapped up our chapter on learning how the people waited for Jesus. We reviewed the stories of Noah and Abraham. We also began to learn about Advent. We learned that during this church season we wait for Jesus by preparing our hearts. We learned that we do that be helping others and praying a little extra each night. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts. We used our oral vocabulary words in sentences and wrote sentences using our sight words. To practice our Phonics skills we participated in a write the room activity; the students just love moving around the room finding, reading, and writing words. We ended class by taking our weekly assessment. 

We continued to look at the numbers to 20 in Math class today. Each student was given a turkey with a number on it. On the feathers, we drew a picture for the number, spelled the number, wrote the number, showed the number in a 10 frame, and wrote the number sentence for it. Here they all are: 

This afternoon afternoon Christmas Concert practice, we had some more Thanksgiving fun. We drew and wrote about what we like to eat on Thanksgiving. We also wrote about what we are thankful for and added that to a turkey craft. They turned out cute: 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a noon dismissal. Have a good night! 

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