Friday, April 5, 2013

Baa Baa Sheep!

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you had a fantastic week just like we did in first grade. 

During Language Arts class, we created adjective flowers. The students traced and cut out flower petals and then glued them around a circle to create a flower. On each petal they had to write an adjective that describes flowers. I thought this was the perfect learning activity to review adjectives as well as create a little spring. 

In Math class today we discussed the comparison symbols: =, <, >. We used our crayons to practice making the symbols before actually writing them on paper. I taught the students that the open end is like an alligator's mouth and is always open to the bigger number. 

In Science class we talked about light. We discovered that a shadow is made when something blocks the light. Students were put into pairs and given a flashlight. They had to find some object in the room and draw its shadow. As you can probably imagine, the students enjoyed this activity. 

To end the day, we had Art class. This week we created sheep. Instead of using cotton balls, we used popcorn for the sheep's wool. Aren't they cute? 

Have a great weekend! Enjoy the sunshine! 

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