Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sharing the Light of Christ

This week in Religion class we have been talking about how Jesus is the Light of the World. We also have been discussing how we can be the light of the world. The students came up with helping others, sharing, being nice, and loving everyone. To help us remember to share His light, the students passed around a flashlight (standing for a candle) and said to each other remember to be light for others. May we always remember to walk in Jesus' light. 

In other news, we read our story today called Tippy-toe Chick, Go! about a little chick who cleverly solves a problem. The students enjoyed how that little chick tricked the big mean dog. In Math class we learned for new addition facts: 3+8, 4+8, 5+8, and 6+8. We will continue to practice these facts along with the facts we have learned. 

We wrapped up our Social Studies unit on geography today by creating a little booklet about me in the world. We start out small and then grow saying that we live in a town, in a state, in a country, and on Earth. We aren't quite finished with them, but we will finish them tomorrow. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym day. It is also crazy hair day. 

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