Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

Hello, everyone! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. First grade was off to a busy start today. We learned to blend, read, and spell words with the vowel diphthong ou. We also talked about sequencing events in a story and about exclamations. Now when we see an exclamation sentence, we know that we have to read it with excitement. 

We had a special presenter today who talked to us about saving money. We learned that the safest place to keep money is in a bank. We also discovered some neat facts about how money is recycled. 

To celebrate Earth Day, the students heard the story The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. We then talked about ways to help the Earth. We discussed reusing, recycling, and reducing. We then made an adorable craft where we glued pictures of ourselves with Lorax mustaches on a marble-art painted Earth. They were just adorable. 

Here is a picture of the birdies we made last Friday in Art. 

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