Thursday, April 25, 2013

Music in the Air!

What a lovely day it was. This afternoon first grade was treated to a fabulous concert performed by our very own Holy Name band members. The students did a fantastic job playing their songs, and the eighth grade show was out of this world. We are truly blessed to have so much talent at Holy Name. 

Before the concert, it was business as usual in first grade. We continued talking about forgiveness in Religion class. We reviewed our sight words and phonics skills in Language Arts. We also continued writing our how to booklet on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

After the show, we studied about ladybugs. We learn that ladybugs shed their skin and are not born with their dots. We also discovered that they have to let their wings dry before flying and taste awful to birds. We then looked at the ladybugs in our classroom and found out that they have 6 legs and 3 body parts. Tomorrow we will release our ladybugs to the wild. 

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