Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday and that the Easter bunny was good to you! The students were quite excited to tell me about their Easter especially where some of their baskets were hidden and what the Easter bunny gave them. I loved hearing their stories. 

We hopped right back to where we left off last week. We learned how to read words with the vowels ui, ew, and ue and practiced our sight words. We also continued studying adjectives for how many. In addition, we began writing a paragraph about the zoo. 

In Math class we learned the adding 9 facts. To solve these facts we first learned to add 10 to the smaller number and then subtract one. 

First grade had a very special presentation today. Sam, the Portage bus driver, came to read us the story I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew by. Dr. Seuss. After the story he rode a unicycle for us just like one of the characters did in the story. The students really enjoyed Sam today. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a Box Tops Jean Day. Because we collected over 700 box tops, students can dress down tomorrow! 

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