Friday, January 30, 2015

A Snowy Friday!

Today marked the end of yet another week. This truly was the first really bad week of winter, but we made it. Hopefully, the worst is behind us. We had a busy Friday in first grade. 

We wrapped up our story in Language Arts class. We reviewed endings -es and r-controlled -or words. We also practiced reading our sight words. We took our test on the story. Finally, we reviewed verbs that don't end in -s by using those verbs correctly in sentences. 

With Monday being Groundhog Day, we talked about what it means if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not. We then predicted whether he would see his shadow or not. It was a close call, but the majority of students think he will see his shadow on Monday meaning six more weeks of winter. Here is our graph: 

In Math class, we used pattern blocks to determine the area of figures. First we learned that the area of a yellow pattern block is either 2 red blocks, 3 blue blocks, or 6 green blocks. We then used the pattern blocks to determine the area of different figures on a worksheet. 

For Science class today, we began our study for Dental Health month. We talked about the importance of eating healthy foods to keep our teeth healthy and strong. 

Finally, in Art class today we made penguins. They are adorable: 

Have a great weekend. Stay warm! 

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