Thursday, January 8, 2015


Brrr. . . it is cold outside! I hope everyone was able to stay warm today. Hopefully this cold spell won't last long. 

The two hour delay could not stop us from learning! In Language Arts class, we reviewed long e: ee and VCCV syllable words. We also practiced our sight words. In addition, we partner read our story and completed a puzzle piece project where we wrote a sentence telling how things change. We used examples from our story to help us. Finally, we practiced identify verbs in sentences. 

During Math class today, we added two two-digit numbers. We used dimes and pennies to help us do this. First, we showed the first amount (i.e. 51 cents) and then added a second amount to the first (i.e. 35 cents). Next we sorted the dimes and pennies and counted how much money we had all together. The students did great learning this skill. 

Have a great night! 

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