Thursday, January 15, 2015

Reading and Baking!

Happy Thursday! Today was another exciting day of learning in first grade! 

In Religion class, we talked about how the Holy Spirit helps us to act as Jesus taught us. We talked about sharing Jesus' Light and Love with others. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed final -ng and -nk words, compound words, and sight words. We read our story Ruby in Her Own Time. The students enjoyed reading about Ruby and seeing how she did things when she was ready. We also practiced identifying sentences with verbs with a final -s. Finally, we talked about synonyms, two words that mean the same thing. We generated a list of synonyms for the word big. We then put those words on 'synonym' rolls. Aren't these yummy?

In Math class today, we continued to practice the subtracting 2 facts. Today we used a wrap-up to help us do this. 

Finally, tonight, I want to share pictures from the projects we did yesterday. The first one is of our writing project on how to blow a bubble. These are absolutely adorable. The second picture shows our project from our talk on Martin Luther King. We wrote about how to be peacemakers in the world. Enjoy! 

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