Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy 2015!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a joyous holiday and enjoyed the two week break. The students were so excited to share what Santa had brought them. I loved hearing everything. 

We had an awesome start to the week. We celebrated Mass this morning with Msgr. Lockard. Today's Mass was for the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. We were reminded to respect Jesus' name. 

In Language Arts today, we learned the vowel sounds of y. We practiced blending, reading, and spelling these words. We also compared and contrasted characters in a story. In addition, we learned about action verbs. We listened to the "Verb Rap Song" which told us that an action verb is a word we do; the students loved the song. Finally, we wrote the first two steps in building a snowman. 

Spelling class met Math class today. We practiced spelling the number words to 10. We did this by playing a version of Hangman. As can be guessed, the students loved this game. 

Have a great night! 

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