Thursday, January 22, 2015

Could This Day Get Any Better?

Could this day get any better? That is what one student exclaimed as we started working on another project. To them, it was a craft project. To me, it was a learning activity. Oh the fun we had today!

We began our day as usual with Religion class. Today we talked about how the Apostles picked men called bishops to be the leaders of the church. We learned that Bishop Mark is our bishop and that he leads the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese. 

In Language Arts class today, we learned our new sight words. Please practice these words over the weekend. We also reviewed verbs  that don't end in -s by using them in sentences. For writing today, we wrote why we love Holy Name School. You will be able to read them tomorrow. Finally, we reviewed r-controlled -or words. We listed a whole bunch of words on the board. After reading them, we picked our six favorite words and wrote them on popcorn kernels and made a bucket of popcorn. Aren't they yummy?

In Math class today, we practiced solving a problem by drawing a picture. We then completed a winter graphing activity. We surveyed the class to see who liked various winter activities and tallied the results. We then counted the tally marks and colored a bar graph to show the results. Finally we analyzed the results. Here is a picture of the activity:

Finally, we ended the day with an Art project. It was hard to do plan an art project for this week, so we did one anyways. I just love these Eskimos!

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend!

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