Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Special Mass Day!

Greetings on this cold, snowy night. I was surprised how quickly the weather turned this evening. When I went into Walmart it was fine; by the time I came out, it was snowing. I guess winter is coming. 

To celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception, we went to Mass this morning. Msgr. reminded us to remember Mary's answer to God and say yes when he asks us to do something. 

As usual, Language Arts was full of learning. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, used our letter tiles to build long a words, and practiced spelling contractions. We worked on our fluency and comprehension by reading a story in our decodable reader booklets, partner reading On My Way to School, and reading a nonfiction story about time and answering questions in our close reading companion. We then practiced adding commas between a series of verbs. Finally, we wrote the final step in planting a seed. 

For gym class today, we played a game called "I Want a Home." Every student but one had a hula hoop home. On my mark, the student without a 'home' yelled "I Want a Home" and then everyone had to run to find a new home. They loved it! 

In Math class today, we practiced adding 2 to an even numbers; we used our linking cubes to help us solve these problems. We then colored all of the even numbers on a hundred number chart. Finally, we practiced identifying even numbers. We will work with odd numbers on Monday. 

There is a big surprise awaiting first grade tomorrow! 

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