Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Telling Time!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I don't know about you but this week is surely flying by for us in first grade. We are working hard, learning lots, and smiling. It has been a blast working with the students this week! 

In Religion today we talked about how Jesus promised to send his followers the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will help his followers remember him, love others as he did, and help them tell others about God. We will be learning about Pentecost on Friday. 

Language Arts class was full of learning today. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, long a words, contractions with not, and our sight words. We practiced reading these words and using them in sentences. Then it was time to read On My Way to School, a fantasy story about a boy who is late to school and all of the animals that make him late. To help us build our comprehension skills, we completed pages in our close reading companion. These pages focused on the plot of the story. This afternoon we wrote the next step in planting a seed. We also reviewed verbs. We acted out various action words and practiced putting commas in a series of verbs. 

Math class centered around time today. We learned how to number a clockface and then show the time on the clock. We are getting very good at telling time. 

Tomorrow will be another busy day. We have Mass in the morning and Gym in the afternoon. Enjoy your night! 

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